School-Based Health Center Information and Registration
Lavaca School-Based Health Center
Improving the health and academic success of students and staff through educational programs, activities and policies that meet the needs and interests of our community.

Lavaca Wellness Center was established through a School-Based Health Center grant awarded by the
Arkansas Department of Education – Office of Coordinated School Health.
Parents/Guardians: School nurses will schedule appointments for students that become ill during the school day; however, if your child is home sick or you wish to make an appointment, you may call the clinic office directly.
A current Parent Consent Form must be on file with the school in order for district staff to transport your child to and from appointments upon your request. Registration information and the Parent Consent Form will be updated annually.
Registration packets are available at the link below and may also be requested from any of the school offices. Please complete the packet and return it to your child’s school.
Community Members: Community members who would like to receive services through the Wellness Center must contact the providers directly. Please visit the links below for more information.